**n.b. Notices for school/bus cancellations will be made early in the morning on the day being affected) via REMIND, CRCS website, CRCS email. (*n.b. If you have not yet signed up to join the CRCS Community REMIND for instant TEXT notifications, please contact the school office for info or check emails from the school with this info in it.)
Review of Procedures . . .
CRCS does not liaise with School District (SD 72) to cancel school due to weather events.
Phone contact is not used to inform families of a school closure. Parents/Guardians and CRCS staff must check the school website www.crcs.bc.ca to see if school has been cancelled.
Context . . .
If a serious weather event occurs overnight that makes it dangerous to go to and from school, a ‘School Closure Notice’ will be posted on our website ‘early’, prior to the start of school to keep families informed.
Except . . .
If extreme weather occurs once school is in session to force a school closure (which may also cancel school bus service), the office will email families and students will call their parents/guardians for pick up (all classrooms have phones for students to use). Some staff will remain at school until all students have been picked up.
Be Cautious . . .
When snow/weather events occur that are not severe enough to cancel school, everyone is urged to choose safety first!
If you feel it is unsafe to travel from your area to school, please stay home (and please remember to report student absence(s) for that day).
Other information options . . .
Listen to local radio for extreme weather notices
1490 FM – The Radio Station
97.3 FM - The Eagle
98.9 FM – Jet FM
City of CR Roads 250-286-4033 (after hours 250-287-7444)
Campbell River Christian School is an Independent School located on beautiful Vancouver Island in the community of Campbell River. We are a member of ACSI - Association of Christian Schools International. The school offers instruction from K to 12 with Biblical integration in all subject areas and in all procedures. We serve students from many different churches in Campbell River and the surrounding areas.
We offer a full range of high-quality education and extracurricular experiences.
Elementary Bell Schedule: High School Bell Schedule:
8:40am - Start time 8:40am - Start time
10:30am-10:43am - Recess 11:58am-12:39pm - Lunchtime (12:25pm-12:55pm Wednesday)
12:30pm-12:58pm - Lunchtime 2:45pm - Dismissal
2:45pm - Dismissal
Upcoming Dates to Note:
• March 3 - No school for Gr.K-7 (Regular classes for Gr.8-12)
• March 17-28 - Spring Break (no school for staff or students)
One thing I love about God is that He is consistent, constant, steadfast, faithful. His character never changes. As the world seems to spin in crazy circles and conflicting ideologies vie for our attention and submission, God remains unwaveringly dependable and unshakable. He does not come and go. His Word remains the same yesterday, today, and forever, unchanged by human emotions, politics, and whims. At CRCS, our goal is to help students lean into God. We know that young people are subjected to a LOT of things in the world around them; things that whisper false messages into vulnerable ears and hearts. By God's grace, we will continue to speak hope and Biblical truth into our students' lives so that they will see that God is good, all the time — that He is for them and has a plan for each and every one of them. His Love, His Truth, His Word will never change. God's unchanging trustworthiness brings me comfort. I invite you to find comfort in Him, too!
In Christ's service,
Bérénice MacKenzie
P.S. Thank you for checking our school website as well as our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram) as well as the emails we send out for staying up-to-date with information. If you haven't joined our REMIND app for instant text notifications, please contact the school for details on how to do so!