Fall Parent/Teacher Interviews 2022
A reminder to all CRCS Families, our first parent/teacher interview sessions are coming up. This year we are using an online appointment system to help streamline the appointment process. Appointments can be booked up to the day before Parent/Teacher Interviews start.
A few key dates and points to be aware of:
Parent/Teacher interviews take place on Oct 27th from 3:30pm-7:30pm and Oct 28 from 9:00am -12:00pm.
Each session runs for 15 minutes
Parents can sign up for the session at https://crcs.
Instructions for registering are below
Each child must have their own time slot registered. (Only one slot per child per family. Sorry.)
If you cannot make any of the available slots but wish to speak with a teacher please connect directly with the teacher.
Go to the website and click on the "REGISTER" menu tab and create an account. Then login and add your students to the system.
After your students have been entered you will be able to schedule an appointment immediately by clicking the button beside each student's name and then selecting the teachers you would like to schedule appointments with. After selecting the teachers from the list, click the "View Calendars" button to see their calendars. Select an available time slot for each teacher, click it and then click the "Book Appointments" button to save your selections. Repeat this for each student.
Sections of the teacher's calendars that are black are not available for booking as the teacher has another commitment at that time. Sections of the calendars that are coloured burgundy are time slots that you as a parent are already booked for other appointments. You will only see burgundy sections when booking appointments for a second or third child.
When you are finished you can view your appointments from the "PROFILE" tab by selecting "View Appointments". You can also print your appointments from the view appointments screen.