Learn & Grow

Excellent Education, Excellent Experience

The Campbell River Christian School provides many extracurricular activities that will allow students to grow, flourish and succeed. Below are some links to resources for students. These are valuable resources for mental, spiritual, and academic support. 

Right Now Media - Video and resource library for Christian content. Click the link to register your own free account. 

Plugged In - Christian reviews for movies and games. 

ERASE - BC Ministry of Education mental health and anti-bullying resources.


CRCS Parent-Student Handbook 2024-25:

2024-2025 Handbook


Education Counsellor's Website: click here

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Tips for Success

  • Get enough sleep, eat a good breakfast, and bring a sweater and water bottle.
  • Arrive early and make sure you have all the necessary materials (e.g. sharpened pencils, eraser, acceptable calculator, etc.)
  • Attentively listen to, and read, all instructions to avoid costly mistakes and confusion.
  • Manage time carefully; it is important to answer as many test questions as possible. Try not to leave any blank.
  • Before you begin answering questions, write down important formulas, timelines, or processes on a scrap paper so you won't worry about forgetting them (do a "brain dump").
  • Consider going through the test and answering the 'easy' questions first, then return to tackle the more complicated ones later. When stuck on a question, make your best guess and move on.
  • Read questions thoroughly and pay close attention to words like: not, no, never, now, all, always, only, most, best, and exactly.
  • Try to come up with an answer yourself before reading multiple choice options.
  • Use the process of elimination; exclude multiple choice distractors that are definitely wrong to narrow down the options.
  • Use scratch paper to work problems out methodically; drawing pictures can help.
  • Show ALL work for written responses.
  • Double check each answer and written work, but stick to initial gut instincts; don't change an answer unless it is obviously wrong.

Graduation Resources

Scholarship Information

Here is a list of scholarships and links to match more scholarships to your individual profile or needs:



CRCS Scholarships

There are several "internal" scholarships & bursaries available to graduating CRCS students:

• CRCS Scholarship for $1000

• CRCS Bursary for $500

• Sandy Glum Scholarship for $500

The deadline to apply for these financial awards is April 4, 2025. Please speak to Mrs. Scoville for an application package or click here.




What is it?
The District Authority Scholarship is a provincial program recognizing student excellence in 7 categories: 
● Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies (i.e. Business, Home Economics, Media Arts, Technology, Tourism, etc.)
● Community Service (Volunteer Activity such as awareness of local, global, and cultural issues)
● Fine Arts (i.e. Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts)
● Indigenous Languages and Culture (Demonstrated at school or in the community)
● Languages (i.e. External Assessments or Languages Curriculum, including AP and IB courses)
● Physical Activity (and Health like Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, etc.)
● Technical and Trades Training (i.e. Coding, Culinary Arts, Mechanics, Robotics, Woodwork, etc.)

DAS recipients will receive a $1,250 voucher to be used for a wide variety of post-secondary educational pursuits. This voucher is valid for 5 years from the date of issue; the expiry date will be printed on the voucher. The recipient does not necessarily have to use it immediately but must use it within the 5 year limit. Failure to redeem the voucher within the time frame renders the voucher invalid.

Students must meet basic eligibility requirements:
● Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant) at the time of registration in the school year for which the scholarship is awarded
● Must be a BC resident
● Must be (or have been at the time of receipt) enrolled in, or registered as a homeschooler with: ○ A British Columbia public school (including Distance Learning schools), or
○ A Group 1, 2, or 4 British Columbia Independent School, OR
○ A Continuing Education Centre.
(*n.b. CRCS is a Group 1 school.)
● Fulfill the BC Graduation requirements by August 31st of the student’s graduating year.

How to apply
Students wishing to apply must submit the following information to the Principal by 3:00 pm, April 25, 2025. 
1) Provide full name and contact information
2) An up-to-date TRANSCRIPT
3) A personal statement that describes their achievements.
4) A listing and explanation of current and/or past service to

  • a) CRCS
  • b) the student’s church
  • c) the community (e.g. Campbell River, Black Creek, etc.)

5) Submission of 2 reference letters
6) A personal statement listing future educational goals and/or institutions or facilities the student plans to attend to further their education.
7) A written testimony explaining their Christian walk (Why they follow Jesus.)
8) A statement indicating their specific area of interest. (*n.b. Applicants may only choose ONE area of interest… A student may only receive ONE District Authority Scholarship in their lifetime.) 

For more information click here:

FISA District Authority Scholarship



Contest for International Students

  • Study Year: 1st - 2nd Year

Apply here:https://scholartree.ca/scholarship/contest-for-international-students/0822whsva?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=st_weekly_roundup

Scholarship Program
$5000 (x15)

  • All students are eligible!

Apply here:

Got a Spine Scholarship

  • Citizenship: American or Canadian
  • Grades: 80 - 100%

Apply at:

Scholarship Program
$5000 (x15)

  • All students are eligible!

Apply at:

Car Detail Calgary Scholarship
All students are eligible!

The RBC Future Launch Scholarship
$1500 (x30)
Citizenship: Canadian or Permanent Resident (Canada)
Grades: 75 - 100%

Russell Alexander Law Scholarship
Grades: 80 - 100%

Storwell Foster Children Bursary Program
Age: 16 - 24

Herbaland Sustainable Lifestyle Scholarship
$1000 (x3)
All students are eligible!

David Sidoo Scholarship for Entrepreneurs
All students are eligible!

Joint Diversity Scholarship
$1000 (x10)
Province: British Columbia

TIC Scholarship
$3500 (x4)
Citizenship: Canadian or Permanent Resident (Canada)
Financial Need

Find more scholarships at:




Post-Secondary Information

Click here